Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas and New Years!

What a whirlwind these last couple of months have been but I guess it's better to busy than not. We had such a fabulous time with Christmas with the Tanakas and New Years with the Moores. Here are some pics to describe it all. Highlights: Sledding at the Sand Dunes in Southern Utah, getting American Idol Wii game, being with family and watching Gage open up presents!


Chris and Cassie said...

Angie! Holy crud! How are you? Don't ask me who's blog I found you at but the best news is I found you! I have been looking at alot of our classmates blogs I guess our class has a blog at and my blog is email me sometime! I'd love to catch up with you! Your little boy is DARLING!

Trinity said...

I love all the pictures but I couldn't tell what you were holding up that got you so excited. Your mom and dad still look pretty much the same. CRAZY!

Krystle said...

Hey Angie it's Krystle. I was just doing a little blog stalking and found your blog. Your little boy is so cute. My blog address is Where are you guys at now? It was fun seeing some pics.